15 April 2008

pins + needles

as some people know, we still have not gotten a definite "yes" from the bank yet about our construction loan. it was annoying at first, but at this point the stress is really overwhelming. we are too far in to this to have to start thinking now it might not happen... but really, we aren't. we have to at least dance with that notion now... take it out for a drink at the very least.

now we are not worried about whether or not "we" qualify.... we do. but appraisals have started coming in lower than normal according to all sources. has the crumbling economy really finally hit raleigh's downtown real estate market? has my total disgust for the current national administration finally hit an all time high? can george freakin' bush really have done so much wrong that it might keep me and robby from completing this project?

we are certainly not free of blame... our cart is so far in front of the horse that it's not even funny. we saw the work as the obstacle, not getting the money. so we did what we could and got to work. and tore out half the house and started the foundation... we might have a nice new foundation for nothing.... that would be sad.

i hope this little exercise of writing out my concerns in hope that having them out there in the world will make them go away will actually work.... but until we hear, it really feels like we're sitting on those hateful ol' pins and needles everyone always talks about.... not very comfortable.

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