12 April 2008

since it's raining...

... i thought i would update the blog with some photos from the past two weeks. we have made some real progress with the plans, the finalized budget, and demo. we got our building permit friday!! is everyone aware that building permits are expensive? i wasn't. it was a moment where i felt the first twinge of real "we're bleeding money" anxiety. the bank still hadn't gotten to our loan application... but we were told we'll know monday. we're moving ahead, though. faith comes in handy in these sorts of situations... honestly, it is more that robby already had the bobcat in the back yard ready to dig footings this weekend. so he's prepping to do that tomorrow. hopefully it will dry out before then.

just a little sketch to have on hand... and paint samples. despite popular belief that white is an easy color choice, it is actually really hard to get it right.

andrew and robby doing major demo last week.

robby has worked hard this week to get the screen porch torn out and the aluminum siding off the back of the house. (notice the lovely yellow dumpster) our wonderful neighbor henry came over to inspect the work this week...

we're going to have to trim those branches back a bit...

detail of the WOOD SIDING!! it is not in the best shape, but we'll take it. scrape it, paint it, replace a few boards here and there and we'll be good to go.

more to come as we do more. it looks like a real construction zone these days... a little alarming to think we're supposed to move in in 6 weeks.

1 comment:

Danielle Anthony said...

Hey Rebecca, I am totally addicted to your blog. you must must must post more pictures and updates of what you and Robby got done this weekend. (by the way, you may not remember me, but I am a friend of your sister's and Dawn's) I LOVE your work!!!