11 July 2008

okay okay...

... pictures, finally!!!

the floors were finished and look AMAZING. the electrician rushed in and trimmed out the can lights so we have light in new parts of the house. robby chipped in and, with his dad's help, installed outlets and light switches. several attempts later the washer and dryer are hooked up and working... all in all, the move was a success. it wasn't easy, and we owe a huge thanks to robby's dad and my mom for all their help. we would still be packing boxes, cleaning bathrooms, and loading up our crap if it weren't for all their help!

so here's something to look at....
finished floors before the move in
composite pic from the kitchen looking towards the front door. again, sans all our stuff!
LIGHTS!!! this was a very exciting part for me...
robby testing out our "gallery wall"... we're currently accepting entries for our first show.
move day! the truck loaded...
... by these two goofy guys.
and now with all our stuff everywhere... you can see the IKEA kitchen boxes loaded up in the dining room as well as our new range and dishwasher which are still in their boxes.
the living room...
and the new fabulous fridge... sponsored by my architects' discount! also, one kitchen cabinet assembled and in place above the fridge.
the washer and dryer in place... no pocket doors yet, but those come monday.
and one last view towards the front door... messy. but we're getting there.
we're assembling kitchen cabinets this weekend... hopefully we'll have a lot to show come monday.


megan said...

Wow, the floors look nice!

Meredith said...

Adam recommends that you leave all the walls white and blank. He's a big fan of the look!